Our difference

To observe and respect the law.

We are lawyers of the 21st century and our mission is to be the change we want to see reflected in the world: we want to inspire generations to come with our actions and achievements.

Our vision is to become an integral center of financial, administrative and real estate investment and growth opportunities for our clients.

Founded by the Dr Deborah Huczek

Each member of the Estudio INA team demonstrates through the exercise of their values that we are not just another law firm. We follow the mission of our founder, which is to change the image that most people have of lawyers.

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Many are those who choose lawyers because they think they have contact with power or are part of powerful families to whom they offer the path of lies and fraud, but the reality is that they themselves are later deceived. Our founder instructs us that we lawyers are representatives of the law, that we are on the front line confronting injustice.


We lawyers are part of the justice system and that is why it is important to fulfill our role honorably.

That we play an essential role since we are soldiers of peace by allowing conflicts to be resolved in a civilized manner.

We are heroes who fight against the abuse of power in any form. We lead change by contributing to the formation of a prepared, honest and just society. And we are faithful defenders of the National Constitution of our country.

U.S. Immigration

Based in Miami, USA, we can attend your inquiries in person in Argentina, in Miami or online.

Argentine Migratory

We are the only lawyers in the country specialized in immigration and criminal law, this really makes the difference.


Have you or a loved one been charged with a criminal offense or suffered any harm or violation of your rights?

Oral Trial

Our vision is to face the oral instance with nobility and commitment.

Who We are

Team of lawyers with 20 years achieving the best results for our customers

I have developed an abundant experience in the handling of family, civil and labor matters, as well as in damages.

Dr. Deborah Huczek


Since I was very young, I felt an inner strength that called me to fight against injustice. No matter who I had in front of me

Our Commitment

Specialists in Criminal and Immigration Law

Protecting your rights and ensuring that each case reaches the desired outcome

At Estudio INA, we are not only professionals in the field, we are your partners on the road to legal, accounting and real estate success.


I congratulate the INA work team, especially Dr. Juan Pablo for the excellent work in the successful management of my process, as well as the excellent professional and humane treatment of my case. It only remains for me to urge them to continue working to enforce the legal rights of nationals and foreigners residing in the country, in order to continue strengthening the standards of quality in the field of justice. CONGRATULATIONS for making Argentina a just and humane country.


Excellent predisposition to listen to you, the necessary time to explain the situation and quick response to the demanded and the concern that one carries.


My good professional touched me in the consultation


Excellent guidance and treatment to my person.


They are my most trusted

Testimonials Real

Our customers praise our efforts

Ethics and Integrity

The law above all else, working with transparency and responsibility.


21st century lawyers, driving change and fostering growth.


We don't just solve cases; we build lasting relationships.

Get to know your lawyers

Dr Deborah Huczek

Dr Marcelo Madeo

Dr Juan Pablo Dietsch

Written press

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¿Cómo se puede denunciar un delito?

Los delitos pueden ocurrir en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento de la vida, y es importante saber cómo actuar…

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10 situaciones en las cuales puedes necesitar un abogado

Hay momentos en la vida en los que podemos encontrarnos en situaciones que requieren la ayuda de un profesional del ámbito…

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Hablemos de algo serio ¿Sabías que el Estado argentino tiene una deuda con nosotros, su pueblo, que lleva más de…

Audiovisual press

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Address Av. Corrientes 2763, P6 OF11, CP 1406 CABA

Email info@estudioina.com.ar

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